Create an ordermanagement app with CUBA
In this video series, I would like to show you how to build a real world application with requirements from the space of ordermanagement with CUBA platform.
With this video I want to start a series of Youtube videos, that will cover implementing real-world requirements for a business application with CUBA platform. It not only uses the open source components, but also the premium addons like the report engine or the full text search addon.
The requirements will be implemented in the business context of ordermanagement. The exact scope is defined by the requirements, but it will deal with stuff like create & manage orders.
This first video does the implementation of the core part of the domain model. You can find it here:
CUBA platform ordermanagement video series
You can find all current (and upcoming) videos in this series on the YouTube playlist:
The resulting source code can be found on Github: mariodavid/rtcab-ordermanagement.
I plan to have shorter videos that will cover the implementation of a single requirement.
If you have a topic that you want to get covered: You can just raise a GH issue on the repository: https://github.com/mariodavid/rtcab-ordermanagement/issues
I would like to get your feedback on the format. If you think I can do better in certain areas, have ideas on the content etc. I would really like to hear from you.